Survivor Haven Summer 2003

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Welcome to this issue of Survivor Haven. May you find comfort within its offerings, a sense of companionship with fellow survivors while reading their stories or poems, peace in the knowledge that you were not to blame and hope that with all of us working together, we can help end the cycle of all forms of abuse.

I’ll love you forever…By: Heide AW Kaminski is the only essay in this issue but it is a powerful one that I believe many survivors who have had an abusive mother or one that turned a blind eye to the abuse going on around her.

While we normally try to limit the number of poems by one author to two per issue, this time the unwritten rule has been waved and it is with great pride we present work from both past contributors as well as newcomers to Survivor Haven.

GREY WALL OF PAIN By: Deena Resnickoff

Lost And Found By: Vicky Stavrides

In The Feeling By: Susan Maree Jeavons

The Next Miracle By: Susan Maree Jeavons

Resolution By: Susan Maree Jeavons

It Just HappenedBy: Carol Huber

Trampled RosesBy: Lisa Easterling

Kitten’s SongBy: Lisa Easterling

Music By: Lisa Easterling

The Guarded By: Lisa Easterling

Rain By: Lisa Easterling

The Outsider By: Lisa Easterling

Spider, SpiderBy: Tenna Perry

Spider’s End By: Tenna Perry

Paying markets for poetry and personal essays are very hard to find. Chances of a market for any type abuse work are even fewer and farther between. I wish Survivor Haven could be that oh so scarce paying market but at this time, it is impossible. With that said, please, please, take a moment and allow the authors presented here know you appreciate the work they do. To do this, simply send an email to: All messages to authors will be immediately forwarded. It takes a great deal of courage to write about a personal history of abuse or rape so please, let these fine authors know you appreciate their efforts.

There are several sites outside of Survivor Haven that may help in the recovery of abuse. Some are specifically geared towards abuse issues while others deal with what are often the side effects of abuse.

A new site that we would like to bring to your attention is The mission of this site is to provide support, information and help for those who deal with mental illness.

Susan Maree Jeavons is often a contributor here at Survivor Haven. She is also the Contributing Editor on Child Abuse and Recovery at

Tenna Perry who is founder/editor of Survivor Haven is also a Contributing Editor at Suite101. Her topic is Child Sexual Abuse.

While the following doesn't deal with abuse, I wish to make you aware that Kai Wilson, the artist who generously donated “Creation” for our Winter 2003 issue has an online gallery now available at: Dreams and Wishes.

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