Funny Arguments With Christians, Part III

I am C14Doc in these arguments, and I have edited the actual screen name of the other participant for legal purposes and in order to reduce the amount of hate mail I get.

This discussion started prior to this, but it was mostly the "where ya from, what are ya in school for" shit. First, he pissed me off by asking me if I wore all black clothes and dark makeup and stuff. (WTF?!) I guess the current xian mentality is "atheism=goth." I don't know. I refrained from retaliating with a remark about white robes, etc...Then he starts talking about how people are destined to be immoral without religion. So, I started...

C14Doc: do think that I am an immoral person?
D*: but if u tried to teach your "beliefs" that the consequence would be immoral ppl
C14Doc: teaching people that god doesn't exist doesn't teach people to be immoral....teaching people to kill each other (etc.) makes people immoral
C14Doc: you can teach people that there is no god, but that doesn't make it right to harm your fellow man
D*: that doesnt go hand in hand
C14Doc: you don't have to have religion or god to be a moral person
D*: most ppl do
C14Doc: I don't believe in god or any religion, and yet I do not run around lying, cheating, stealing, or killing
C14Doc: in fact....
D*: but thats you..........
C14Doc: I have been a volunteer at an animal shelter, I coach a little league soccer team, and I am a peer tutor
C14Doc: I consider myself to be a good person
D*: but wouldnt it be great if you would be thanked by God by going to HEaven
D*: isnt that a prettier picture
C14Doc: when one person wants to hurt another person, then he becomes immoral
C14Doc: yeah, just like "Santa" was a nice idea
C14Doc: WHEN I WAS 5
D*: ahh well
C14Doc: I've just abandoned the idealism and "security blanket" that goes along with Santa, The Easter Bunny, and GOD
D*: well i will have to overlook that statement
C14Doc: lol
C14Doc: sorry, I let the big bad Logic demon out
D*: no, u let the big bad "whatever makes my life easier" demon out
C14Doc: you think that not believing makes life easier?
D*n: yep]
C14Doc: how so? because I don't live in fear of god?
D*: because u live knowing that there are no reprocussions outside of human laws
C14Doc: actually, I don't know if I would call it easier....with atheism, you actually have to think for yourself (wow!) and you accept that there are some things that we just don't know yet
D*: let me see if i buy
C14Doc: xianity creates this "don't worry, god will help you" idealism, and I think that's probably a lot easier
C14Doc: having someone think for you
C14Doc: what do you mean you don't "buy" that? that's what atheism is. a lack of belief in god(s)
D*: i just cant find myself to even fathom your hopeless beliefs
C14Doc: hopeless?
D*: yep
C14Doc: just because I don't live my life like some invisible being in the sky thinks I should that makes me "hopeless" ?
D*: i would have to say.......YEP
D*: sorry no offense
C14Doc: heh...too late
C14Doc: so, because I don't waste my life praying to something I can't see....and because I don't live my life for some false messiah that the Romans tacked up....I'm hopeless
D*: o oh!
C14Doc: heh, that's funny, lol
D*: well i guess i will take your comments in stride
C14Doc: lol, I'm sorry, guess you can't handle this whole evil "thinking" process
D*: not yet anyways
C14Doc: LOL
C14Doc: and with that, I go to lunch...
D*: hehe........u go to lunch........have a good one