Funny Arguments With Christians, Part IV

I am C14Doc in these arguments, and I have edited the actual screen name of the other participant for legal purposes and in order to reduce the amount of hate mail I get.

J*: God bless u
C14Doc: did I sneeze?
J*: I am praying for u to see past youre lies satan has u in his grip
C14Doc: hmm, and if that would have made half a crap of sense, I might reply with something nasty…
J*: youre not using youre mind, God gave u a mind and youre letting the devils work thru
C14Doc: exactly what the fuck are you talking about?
J*: im saying the devil has mind control over u and im am praying for u so that u can feel Gods love inside you
C14Doc: nah, I heard that "God" fella's lousy in bed. If I want "love inside me" I'll go see my gentleman friend.
J*: how can u say something like that about God because he loves u!!! u are sick!!
C14Doc: If God loves me, then how come he never goes down??
J*: can u please not say those things it is wrong to talk about youre Father like that He has given u so much u should not talk about him like that
C14Doc: you know, you're really starting to piss me off…
J*: why? Because I am trying to help u?
C14Doc: no, because you're regurgitating stupid fundy xian babble at me and you sound like a fucking idiot
C14Doc: don't you have a bible to go masturbate to or something?
J*: I am sorry u feel that way but let me ask u this if there is no God our Father then where did you come from??
C14Doc: well, you see, when two people really love each other or they're really drunk…
C14Doc: somebody didn't pass Biology 101, eh?
J*: no that's not what I mean I mean where did everything come from if there is no God youre science says that you can't make something from nothing, right?
C14Doc: you're trying to quote the Law of Conservation of Matter. (matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only change form) That is correct, but by your same argument you have just disproved the existence of god.
J*: what do u mean
C14Doc: you said "science says that you can't make something from nothing, right?" well, by that same statement, your god can't exist, because you don't know where he came from, do you?
J*: God didn't come from nothing he was just always there
C14Doc: well, if god was "just always there" then how do you know that everything else wasn't "just always there"???
J*: because nothing else was just here because God had to make Adam and Eve
C14Doc: what? Are you trying to say that nothing else ever "just existed" because of Adam and Eve?
J*: yes God made everything he made Adam and Eve to start humans and then he made other things to so u see the other things didn't just happen because God made them happen
C14Doc: you have totally lost me here. Have you any formal education?
J*: yes I am in school
C14Doc: what year?
J*: Im a senior this year
C14Doc: in…high school?
J*: yea
C14Doc: KRIKEY!!! I'm battling with a CHILD?!
J*: that doesn't matter I still know the teachings of God and Im trying to help u
C14Doc: go play in your fucking sandbox, little one. You're wasting my time.
J*: well thats ok but be warned when it is Time u will not be saved
C14Doc: fuck saved. Your idea of "saved" is my idea of "brainwashed." Run along and play, little funide, and let me laugh at you in peace.
J*: we will se who will be laughing when u are drownding in the Lake of Fire
C14Doc: he who laughs last, thinks slowest….