Funny Arguments With Christians, Part V

I am C14Doc in these arguments, and I have edited the actual screen name of the other participant for legal purposes and in order to reduce the amount of hate mail I get. If you want to see the funniest part of this argument, scroll down to the part I have highlighted in yellow.

O*G*: ok, so you believe that we were not created by God
C14Doc: right. I am an evolutionist, not a creationist
O*G*: can i give you a good quote he said
O*G*: "To suppose that the human eye with so many parts all working together could have been formed by a natural selection seems, i freely confess, absurd to the highest degree." Charles Darwin
O*G*: how could we have not been created by God?
O*G*: so u believe that we evolved?
C14Doc: yes, I do
O*G*: do u think animals have a conscience do determine what is right and wrong?
C14Doc: I don't really know
O*G*: well they don't
C14Doc: animals do what they have to do to survive
C14Doc: I know animals like dogs have feelings
O*G*: true, and they cant determine what is right and wrong
C14Doc: I don't think there is a "right and wrong" for them
C14Doc: I think it's more along the lines of do what ya gotta do
O*G*: how could humans had a "moral code" just sewn into the fabric of human beings
C14Doc: our brains are more advanced than theirs
C14Doc: same reason we don't piss on ourselves. we're just a little smarter than they are.
O*G*: how could we have just all of a sudden been able to tell right and wrong
C14Doc: who said it happened all of a sudden? evolution takes time.
O*G*: that is dealing with smartness, im talking about morals
O*G*: no monkey can tell right from wrong
C14Doc: actually, you're wrong there
O*G*: how can we, if we evolved from them, determine that
O*G*: how
C14Doc: in many primate societies, each individual "helps out" each other
C14Doc: ok, you have misunderstood evolution
C14Doc: we DID NOT evolve from apes

O*G*: ok
C14Doc: man and apes evolved from a common ancestor
O*G*: what then
O*G*: what
C14Doc: COMMON ancestor
O*G*: what
C14Doc: Australeopithicus (sp?)
C14Doc: ever hear of the hominid called "Lucy" ?

O*G*: ok, how long ago is this
O*G*: yea
O*G*: i think
C14Doc: ok. she's a few million years old.
O*G*: there have been non-christian scients that have proven that evolution is not possible
C14Doc: where did you get information like that?
C14Doc: like who?
C14Doc: what did they say?
C14Doc: how did the refute it?

O*G*: the earth is 5000-10000 years old
O*G*: some of the scientists that believe in evolution think whales came from cows that wandered into the ocean
C14Doc: ok, first off, if the earth is only 10,000 years old, why have we found rocks that are BILLIONS of years old?
C14Doc: and as far as the whale/cow thing, that's ridiculous

O*G*: i dont know how true that is, but if you want ill try to find out for you and get back with u
C14Doc: that's not true, I can tell you that
O*G*: the cow thing
C14Doc: uh, yeah.....sure, someone may have said it, but it's a ridiculuos idea
O*G*: it is
O*G*: do u know what the Bible is
C14Doc: yes, I've read it
O*G*: then you know that the bible has been proven true, and that all of the Bibles prediction of the future have came true, except the things that havent happened yet
C14Doc: where are you getting your information that the bible has been proven true?
C14Doc: and name one prediction that has come true.

O*G*: where Jesus was born and grew up
O*G*: brb
C14Doc: I never said jesus didn't exist
C14Doc: hell, there's no telling how many wannabe messiahs got tacked up by the Romans

O*G*: In a nutshell there are more than 5000 manuscripts dating from the 1st Century onward with which modern translations can be compared and their accuracy determined. In addition, there are large numbers of Lectionaries (1st and 2nd century sermons or written lessons) which quote a great portion of the Bible. Almost all the New Testament and a part of the Old Testament can be found in these documents. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain almost all the Old Testament and predate the time of Christ. Thus, we are not lacking in manuscript evidence from which we can make comparisons.
C14Doc: do you have any thoughts of your own or are you just a cut-n-paste expert?
O*G*: yes
C14Doc: why does the Bible have so many contradictions?
O*G*: i dont want this to be a mean argument
C14Doc: why does it profess such violence?
C14Doc: it's not, so far

O*G*: whats not
C14Doc: and how are the Dead Sea Scrolls (or any other ancient document based on faith) supposed to validate the bible?
O*G*: they contain a lot of the old tesiment
C14Doc: so you're using alternative ancient "prophecies" to prove the validity of the bible?
O*G*: alternative acient?
C14Doc: you're saying that the bible must be true because other really old documents say so.
C14Doc: how do you know the other old shit is right?
C14Doc: where are their references? where are their accredations?

O*G*: brb
C14Doc: oh boy, more cut-n-paste
O*G*: no
O*G*: im thinking, you are pretty smart you know
C14Doc: I'm educated
O*G*: can i get back to you on some of this stuff, i will find answers to your questions
C14Doc: heh, you won't be able to find any answers to the last two
O*G*: do u know what contingent is
C14Doc: but sure, email me anytime
C14Doc: yeah

O*G*: ok, how could we all have just existed
C14Doc: how do you know that time isn't cyclical, and everything always existed?
C14Doc: just changes form?

O*G*: ok, how did life and everything beome?
C14Doc: I think the reason you have problems accepting theories other than creation is because you've been taught nothing but creation for your whole life. when someone thinks differently, it boggles you, because it goes against everything you've ever been taught.
C14Doc: that's my experiences in *most* cases

O*G*: ok
C14Doc: I admit that science does not have all the answers, but just because we don't know everything YET does not mean that there must be a god controlling everything
C14Doc: how can you accept a god that was "just always there" but you can't accept a universe in the same way?

O*G*: he is non-contingent
C14Doc: what created god?
O*G*: God created himself, he has always been there
O*G*: i really want to find some answers to your questions
O*G*: i will email you as soon as i find them
C14Doc: ok
O*G*: what is your e mail
O*G*: ok