Home - Grown Atheism: Godlessness in the Bible Belt

Home-Grown Atheism

This page has an atheist theme. If anything of that nature offends you, LEAVE NOW!!!

A little message to those of you who are saying, "She must be so angry at God to create a page like this" :

  1. I am no more angry at "God" than you are at Zeus.
  2. If so many people can have a "Praise Jesus" (which I find offensive) page, why can't I have mine?
  3. It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
  4. Piss off, please. Thank you.

Something to Ponder: I keep getting threats that I'm going to burn in the eternal fires of damnation unless I change my ways. How can this be if my body is buried in the ground? Or cremated? Are souls heat-sensitive? And if my body is not in Hell, does my soul inherit my nerve endings in order for me to feel pain? Hmm....

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I also absolutely LOVE to get into arguments with theists, especially Christians. What fun it is to debate with them for a while, until they either say something to the effect of ''It just IS, ok?!'' or my favorite Circular Argument, ''It's true because it's in the Bible, and the Bible is the Word of God.'' ''How do you know that the Bible is the Word of God?'' ''Because it says so in the Bible!'' Oh, of course. My bad. How silly of me. (??!?!) Sometimes, though, they just flee, looking like a half-dead fish, flopping about on dry land.

I am going to start posting some of the funnier arguments I get into; here are the first:

Metaphor for Stupidity

"Logic" of Creation (WTF?!)

I'm Immoral

One Confused Bitch

Humor Page

My Humor page has links to other sites, and some stuff I've put on here myself. Most of it is atheism-oriented, so if you find that offensive...don't go. Actually, if you find anything like that offensive, why are you even on my site, you sneaky little theist?!


Treaty of Tripoli

The United States of America was NOT founded on Christianity. The notion that it was is a very popular thought among Christains, but it is false. Their allegations were made from quotations and personal opinions of SOME of the founding fathers, but in no means was the Constitution based on Christianity. Want to know more? Go here or here to read up on the subject. If you want to know more about the religion of our founding fathers in general, check out my Early America page.

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