
Muslims believe in six articles of faith which are derived from revealed sources, the Qur'an and the Sunnah.


  1. Belief in one God (Allah), that is unique, infinite, transcendent, creator, and sustainer of all that exists.
  2. Belief in the eternal life of Hereafter.
  3. Belief in angels.
  4. Belief in Revelations from God, commonly known as belief in the Books From God.
  5. Belief in human messengers - prophets from God.
  6. Belief in the Decree and Plan of God.

Pillars of Islam

  1. Shahadah: the statement of faith.
  2. Salat: everyone is obliged to offer 5 daily worship prayers.
  3. Sawm: fasting during the month of "Ramadan," the 9th month of the Muslim lunar calendar. They must refrain from eating, drinking, and sexual practices from dawn until dusk.
  4. Zakat: sharing wealth.
  5. Hajj: pilgrimage.