Atheist Menu
My site is becoming kinda big, so you can either browse through to see all my cute little pics and thoughts, or you can go directly to a link below.

Biography A litte information about myself and my background.
RANTS!! My personal bitchfest.
Religion Information on various world religions.
FAQ Questions and threats from xians, with my replies...

Funny Arguments With Christians:

"Metaphor for Stupidity"
"Logic of Creation" (LOL!)
"Atheists are Immoral"
"IQ = 70"
"Whales to Cows"
"Child of God" This one is an email debate...
Funny Stuff My humor page, with a few links.
Brainwashing Techniques used to make people more open to suggestion.
Religion in Early America The USA was NOT founded on Christianity!!!
Treaty of Tripoli More on the USA NOT being Christian...
Quotes From Our Founding Fathers Proving that not all of our Founding Fathers were fundies.
The Altered Pledge of Allegiance McCarthyism before McCarthy...
Evolution Debunking creationist arguments and proving evolution.
Skeptic's Annotated Bible By far the best resource I've seen for refuting the Bible.
The Ku Klux Klan Good example of some wacko Christians.
Links Just some cool spots on the web.

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