"Of course I used to believe in God. Heh, then again, I also used to believe in Santa."

This is me, my buddy Jesse, and his brother Tim right before we went canoeing. "The Beast," my beloved Camaro Z28, is there on the right.

Hi, my name's Becca, I'm 21 years old, and I live in Lake Charles, Louisiana I am a student, majoring in biology with a minor in criminal justice. Hoping to go to law school if I ever get off my ass and graduate from college. I'm atheist, obviously, and fighting the Religious Right is one of my main passions - next to my car. I'm a car nut. I have a beautiful 1996 Camaro Z28 (Polo Green Metallic, T-tops, Eagle Alloy wheels) that I am currently working on. His name is "The Beast." And yes, my car is a "he" because if it was a "she" then that'd be gay on my part, since I'm a girl. Males are more powerful anyway. Give me some time and I will be posting pics of The Beast and the mods I've done, as I work him from bone-stock street legal to...well, as much as I can do without having to go to the track to buy gas. Hopefully he'll hit low 12's (NO NITROUS, THAT'S CHEATING!!) when I'm done, but that's without a charger or turbo or anything. It can be done, I've seen it before, and dammit I'm going to try!!

A little information about myself - I have Cystic Fibrosis. It's a nasty little genetic illness, and if you want all the info, go here to learn about it. Anyway, I happen to be fairly healthy for a 20-year old CF patient. I credit medication and strict doctors for my good health. However, I'm always getting the same bullshit about how I should thank god/praise jesus for my good health. Riiiiiight. To hell with science and modern medicine, it must be because of JESUS that I'm alive today. That's a load of horse shit if I ever heard one. My family prays for me every time I get a lung infection or go into the hospital. I always want to tell them that in the time they WASTE praying, they could be sneaking me a margarita into the damned hospital. That would help more than prayer! Of course, I just shut up and ask the nurse for more Darvocet/Vicodin/etc so I don't have to listen to them say the fucking rosary.

Ok, here's my heathen conversion story. There's enough bullshit on the web about how people have "seen the light of jesus" and have been "saved." Saved my happy ass. More like captured. Setting yourself free is TRULY being "saved." I was raised Catholic, and I went to church with my family and I went to CCD and everything, just like a good little Catholic girl. I never questioned, never doubted, until I was about 9 or 10. I remember thinking, "Where did God come from?" When I asked my CCD teacher that, she kinda flipped out, so I figured I better just shut up. When I was about 16 or 17, I pretty much knew I was atheist, but I kept my thoughts to myself because I knew that my atheism would be viewed negatively. I stayed quiet until right out of high school, when I had a rather traumatic and emotionally damaging experience, which greatly affected my health in a bad way. Then I REALLY turned mean. I decided that not only was God false, but that the world is a bitch. I began doing a lot of religious research, and I read a lot of psychology books. I came to the conclusion that people use god(s) as a security blanket, and to explain the unknown. My curiousity turned to disgust, and I now mock fundamentalists. I am openly atheist, and damn proud of it. I must say that once I openly professed to being an atheist, I have been a much happier person. I shed the guilt and the fear that goes along with Christianity. I'm sick of people preaching to me, telling me I'm going to hell or that they "feel sorry for me." (THEY feel sorry for ME?! what the fuck?!) I'm sick of laws getting passed that are sneaky (and sometimes blatant) violations of our 1st Amendment. I'm sick of censorship. CENSORSHIP SUCKS AND IT'S FUCKING UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! And, to top shit, off, I am fucking SICK AND TIRED of all these cars and trucks with their GODDAMNED jesus fish shit on it. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!! Just more proof that some people just need killin' !! Bottom line - you cannot prove God exists, and just because you can't prove he doesn't exist does not mean that he does. (Just because you can't prove that little blue gnomes don't exist doesn't mean that they do.)

"Your God is dead, and no one cares. If there's a Hell, I'll see you there." ---Nine Inch Nails, "Heresy"

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