
WHAT THE FUCK is up with all the Christian Coalition types trying to regulate everything?! They're trying to turn the States into a Christian version of Iran!! The bible-thumpers are trying to get the Ten Commandments next put up next to the Declaration of Indenpendence and the Constitution. That's insane!! Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't our forefathers come here to ESCAPE religious persecution, and to start a nation where people were free to worship however they pleased? What happened to that?!

A lot of the bible-thumping fundies are trying to get "creation science" (what a contradiction in terms) taught IN PLACE OF evolution in schools. Not only does creationism have NO PLACE in public schools, it certainly doesn't have the right to replace evolution, which is FACTUAL!! I remember in high school, my senior year (1997), my Biology II class was starting a unit on evolution. Our teacher had to send home permission slips for us to get signed asying we could participate in the unit, and, as I recall, we were short 3 students in class that week. (I believe they were Pentecostal, although one may have been a Baptist...)

Another thing I hear a lot of is how people would become barbaric and revert to anarchy if religion was not around. WHAT THE FUCK?! Religion is one of the main causes of war, next to nationalism!! (Spanish Inquisition, Roman Inquisition, Constatine's killing of heretics, Papal Inquisition, The Crusades...) Just because atheists exists without gods does not mean we exist without morals!!

How is it that fucking fundies can get laws passed that are running in opposition to the First Amendment? I'm talking about the liquor laws in Texas and Louisiana. (probably other states too.) Texas is worse than Louisiana though---at least in Louisiana, you can buy liquor in grocery stores. Not in Texas!! You also can't purchase liquor after 2am on Sunday. So, all day Sunday, all you get is beer and wine. That's fucked up. What if I want a Long Island Iced Tea on Sunday? I have to go buy all my shit on Saturday. Just one more way the fucking thumpers are trying to push their beliefs down everyone else's throats. The First Amendment states that "...and no law shall be passed respecting an establishment of religion..." BUT...the loophole is...there is no FEDERAL law saying that you can't buy liquor on Sunday. If such a law is voted in by the local district, it's ok. That's a load of crap. If states can pass laws that contradict the constitution, then what's the point of having the damn thing?!

PROTEST JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY!!! Up until about a week ago, I actually liked some of John Michael Montgomery's music. Then I heard his latest song, "The Little Girl." It is the story of a young girl that is raised by two athiest parents, and it depicts her mother as a drug addict and her father as an alcoholic. The song goes on to tell of the parents fighting, and finally her father kills her mother and then shoots himself. The little girl is then taken away by the city, and she is sent to live in a "good" home where she is taken to church and loved and taught about Jesus. THIS IS A LOAD OF SHIT!! Why is it that is is ok to publicly bash atheists? If he had said "Mormons" or "African-Americans" or ANY OTHER cultural group, he would be getting his ass chewed and the song would surely not be played on public radio. This is totally out of line, and you'll see why if you read the lyrics on his site.

This is all I'm gonna say on politics....10 years and one generation of Bush presidency later....we're back to bombing Iran. Tsk tsk tsk Dubyah....trying to finish Daddy's work?