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Plenty of games to play but that maybe a bad thing.

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Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, Soul Caliber 2, FFX-2, Shinobi, FF Tactics Advance, Halo 2, Starsky and Hutch, Madden 2004. Hmmm.... which title does not belong. Well to the braindead population out there the answer is Starsky and Hutch. All the rest of the games on the list are bonafide hits that are already out or coming out soon. The point of the question one may ask? Well while we have plenty of great games to look foward to we still have plenty of games to steer clear of.

Quite frankly I think there are too many games being made. For every new Castlevania we get 13 Matrix games. Do we really need a game based off every movie that comes out in theatres now and days? My answer is no. Does anyone remember the great videogame flood of the early 80's? Maybe not. But it almost lead to the demise of videogames, and while the state of gaming in a very healthy one, I can't help but wonder if in the longrun the original gaming geeks will get harmed by the sudden popularity of the buisness. How is that possible?

Well its like the music industry. If a there is a certain demographic that is buying certain types of music, then much more of that music is going to pop up. Now that casual gamers are on the scene we are forced to endure 20 movie to videogame titles a month. An example is the Matrix. The game is only mediocre at best but it's selling like hotcakes. Why? Because casual gamers like it and they are the ones buying it. Face it there are more casual gamers than hardcore ones. The result is Pirates of the Carribean, The Fast and The Furious, Harry Freakin Potter, and ANOTHER FREAKIN STAR WARS GAME!!!!!!!!!! Do I like it? Hell no! But there is nothing I can do as long as there are twenty other people waiting in line to but the new ET game. GAWD!!! And the whole reason why this is bothering me is because companies are going to concentrate on mediocre and subpar crap rather than on niche titles that don't sell as well. Guess which category I play.

Don't get me wrong, it great that gaming has become so popular , hell there are some "polls" and "surveys" that show that real girls actually play videogames. Now whether or not these polls are truthfull or accurate remains to be seen. But heck we can have false hope right? Anyway is the hobby in the toilet? Far from it just don't expect me in line to buy the new barbie adventure on the PS1.
