Art of fighting 3 filled me with mixed emotions. On one hand the graphics are pretty smooth and the animation moves fluidly for such an old game. On the other hand this game only posseses a handful of characters with only a handful of moves.So overall all how do I feel about the game? read on.
Like I said before the graphics and animation are real nice and colorful. The control is your typical fighting game controls. Nice and responsive that gets the job done. And errr... well thats about it thats complimentary. You see there is not too much going on here besides your basic one on one fighting. The characters are pretty dull except for your veterans, Kasumi, Ryo and Robert. The other 5 or so are very unforgettable. In fact upon beating the game with Kasumi, I had no real desire to play this game again.
Fighting games are now huge. Plenty of characters, an armada of moves, and don't forget the secret characters, costumes, levels etc. etc. And they have to be since they are not real deep as far as single player games are concerned. Yes I played this game in single player mode but even playing against a friend this would be a pretty dull title anyway. As expensive as SNK games are this should not be in a fighting fans library unless you are a AOF nut, the series is not that good anyway. Forget it even exists, your not missing much besides a pretty mediocre game.
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