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Should be in any RPG fan's possesion:9

This is one of those SNES rpg's you have heard about via Square. Yes the SNES was loaded with them.No wonder it was so successful.Chrono Trigger came out about the time FF3 did. With both of the worthy games fighting out to see which was the better RPG. I can't even decide still. Both are still tremendously fun to play. The drawback is the $70 price tag with each game. There is a cheap way to play these games , and that is with a emulator. Yes you can play both of them for free on your computer. Now before I stray too far from the review I will end the topic for a cheap alternative to the cartridges themselves.E mail me and I will tell you how or I just might write a page or two on the subject. First off CT is absolutley the first RPG to use combos now found in PSX games. If you picked a special move with two or more party members then if you had the right combination you could preform a powerful attack or combo. The events are complex, yet the storyline is simple enough to keep you intrested. There are many characters in the game. Some join you and others don't. The music is great, bravo Square, and some of the enviroments look cool. A drawback to this game is in the graphical area. It is not so much the graphics themselves ,but the battle movements. The party members chop along slowly and pause before an attack. Nothing major, just a little gripe I have. Later on the story gets better and so does the music. I advise you get Magus. He is the coolest character in the game. This game is almost perfect in any way possible. It is just hampered by the memory in the cartridges. If square would do a remake on the Ps then I guarentee that it would recive a 10 if the graphics were improved, and if Chrono could talk!

Luckily the game is not as bad as the box art.

An advanced title screen. We see the invincible swinging pendulem of death.

All of this mess starts because of Lucca's non working POS invention.