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Hard as hell but still fun:8

This is one of the great shooters to pop up on the Saturn. It was also a very hard one at that. Expect to take quite a long time trying to beat this game. The game has more level selections than its PS counterpart. However the levels are short. There are plenty of oppurtunities to die before you get to the boss. When the action gets too intense you can use one of your three bombs that regenerate after you die. They wipe everything off the screen. The bosses take as long as the levels to conquer if you are lucky. The bosses have a more compact look and are mostly small, but really tough.

Novice shooters need not buy this game unless you have 5 or 6 spare controllers to use after you destroy the one you are playing with.This game is very tough yet strangley addictive as you will find yourself playing it very often after you die. This is also a cheap game. I brought it for $5 since buisnesses are willing to sell at dirt cheap prices for a defunct system. Take advantage and buy a Saturn for $30 and get a few games. There are few games above $10 and there are some great diamonds in the rough.But on the whole buy the game because you are not gonna get a shooter this intense and fun ever again if the genere continues to fall like it currently is. BUY IT!