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Better than Halo 2?:8.0

Naw it isn't, but it makes it's case for being unique to say the least. Unless you have never left your cave in the past 10 years, you probably know what the Doom series is all about. Its a FPS romp that is fairly entertaining at first, yet quickly wears thin. So how does Doom 3 stack up against it's predecessors? Well in a word, great. The game is simply great. While not on par with the majesty of Halo 2, it still provides gamers with plenty of hours of enjoyment.

First things first. The graphics seen in this game are simply amazing. The game looks silky smooth and is a treat to watch in action. What really sets this game apart from Halo 2 is the entire presentation of the game. Quite frankly the campaign mode is very good. The storyline may seem like your run of the mill space horror story, but it works out just fine.

Let me off some advice before you pick this game up. Invest in a surround sound system. The sounds you hear in this game will freak you out. The atmosphere is disturbing and will scare you many times throughout the game.Simply put, this game is darn spooky. Whether it is the faint laughing going on in the background, or the fact that you don't know what is going to happen next, just know this game will mess with your head a little bit.

Now I know you are thinking "wow this game should have gotten a 10", well not quite. There are some flaws in the game. The combat is a little more choppy than Halo 2, not really that bad, but noticeable. In addition the enemies and stages tend to get a little repitive. Also the objectives are the same as most FPS games. Get keycard and get to elevator or get to point a then b. Simple and nothing different. A little variety would have helped.Lastly the online mode completely sucks. Only 4 players and one per Xbox? Come on. Please. Throw in the fact that the game is very choppy online and you see why it sucks.

Overall a very good game to sink you teeth into for a little while. Better than average, but unless you are a hardcore Doom freak, you might just be better off renting this one.

