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One of the best games ever!:9.5

Oh my goodness! About one year ago I had stopped playing this game since I was stuck. I was at the end of disc 3 about to go to disc 4 but I stopped. Why? I have no idea. But After I beat part 9 I decided to give part 8 another try. After beating it I have decided that it has been one of the best decisions I made, gaming wise, because this game is chock full of extra goodies that will have me playing this game again sometime in the near future so I can experience the whole game without a one year layoff.People who feel disapointed in this title are dumb in the head. This game is fun.

Well this game is older than part 9, DUH!, but this has better graphics than part 9, to me at least. The characters look like they would in person, meaning they are not little muchkins like the SNES versions. The battle system is almost the same as previous versions except that that there are no magic points at all. Instead you draw spells from enemies and draw points that are found in various parts of the game. Also the main character,Squall, has a sword that, when timed correctly by pressing R1 on the moment of impact, will do more damage than a standard hit. Each charcter also has their own unique limit break attack. These attacks are more than just show. Zell's attack is called Duel, in which you do various motions on the control pad to do different attacks. Irvine's lets you pick ammo and depending on what type allows for a faster shot or slower shot.

The GF's are another key component in this game. They are used quite a bit and level up the same way as you do. They can be used at anytime, so long as they are alive. They also have special abilities that they learn from AP points they recieve after a battle. These abilities are used to beef up your stats like life, strength or maybe magic power. Each GF has a different set of abilities.

Square could have stopped there but they didn't. Each item that you find has a purpose. Some may be used for weapons upgrade or refined into different items or spells from the abilities learned from a GF. For example, a cactuar thorn may turn into 10 fast annumition or 2 demi magic. It probably does not but it still gives you an idea of how it works. Magic works the same way. 5 fires will turn into 1 fira.

After all of this there is still another fun addition. There is a addictive game called triple triad which is freakin fun Unlike part 9's version, the cards obtained in this game can be traded and turned into different items. This makes you want to play to try to get rare cards to see what you will get.

Is this a buy? Well the score should have taken any second thoughts. It is a game packed with a bunch of goodies and side quests that make this game almost impossible to play only once.It is only $19.99 now and is worth 3 times as much in terms of entertainment. Just so many things to experiment with in this game from Junctioning to midlevel magic refinement. The last parts of the game are probably the best in a FF series ever. The last boss will keep you on your toes and the ending is just one big CG movie that is beautifully done. Great game that any gamer should have if they hold RPG's dear to their heart. Go get it now!

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