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Arcade style football: 6

Game breakers 2000 is NCAA 2000's bitch. This game is not too bad but really pales in comparison to NCAA. Published by 989 sports, this is the gameday of college football. I'll get the bad stuu out of the way first.

If you are a Madden freak or NCAA nut then this game is not for you. The game is way too easy since the computer AI is about as tough as playing a pile of sand. The defense is almost nonexistent as you will find yourself rushing for 300 yards and passing for 600. The only way you can tackle a player is if you use your 8 yard slide, which is usless since if you tackle them from behind they go forward about another 5 yards.

As for the good stuff, if you are a fan of Gameday or previous GB, then this game is for you. Any person with no football gaming experience can pick up and play this title. If you like offense then you will love this game. Also the sounds are much better from the hits to the crowd. The play by play by Kieth Jackson also adds a welcome dimension to the game as it blows NCAA's monotone anouncer out the water. All in all it just depends whether you're a defensive man or a offensive man. Either way GB 2000 comes up a little short in my book. Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!

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