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Great baseball title that kept my interest:7

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Well I have rarely ever played BB games for the sheer fact that i'm not a huge fan. But every once in a while i get a craving to play a solid title. Well HH 2004 is very solid but nothing spectacular.

The graphics are the best I have ever seen in a BB title ever. That is not really saying much though. As for the actual gameplay? Well the pitching interface is very simple that anyone can play. If you want a fastball just press the fastball button, slider?, well just press the button. Fielding too hard? Turn on the auto. Batting is pretty easy, in fact it may be a little to easy, on default settings, as %90 of my team was hitting over 4.00 halfway into the season. However don't let that fool you because the cpu can do the same thing to you. I know I pretty much suck at BB games but damn this game can get frustrating at times. The cpu will take advantage of bad pitches, baserunning and picking you off. If you're not paying attention then prepared to get smoked, just like in the big leagues.

Worth the $50? Not to me, as after I completed a season the only reason why I felt like playing more, was simply competing against humans for bragging rights. However, if you are a fan of the sport and like the realistic approach towards your games then you have found your nirvana, everyone else may want to rent.
