If you notice the trend in the KOF reviews then you know that so far, each sequelfs score has gone up, and for good reason. This game is much better than itfs predecessors in almost every department. The animation, graphics, sound, control, variety of moves, characters, hell even the music is much better. There are 30 characters in this title which showcases another trend. The growth of characters in each game. All of the mainstays are back but some new faces have shown up from previous games, my favorite one is Kraser:I donft know if I spelled it right.
The fight mechanics are here as well. Moves are easy to pull off because of the great control, cheaper projectiles have been toned down to make the game a little more fair. Also this is the first really tough end boss in the series, which is a welcome break from the monopoly of Rugal end bosses. The damage may still be a little bit too much but it does not ruin the game. I do wish there were more genuine stages to play on since half of them are recycled stages at different times of the day. Yes there may be new music and Backgrounds but I really want some new stages to play on.
Overall this is the first solid KOF title that I really enjoyed. Better characters, harder difficulty and better control makes this a easy thumbs up. I may even go as far and say go ahead and get the game even if it is a tad expensive. This is the perfect title if you canft locate any of the later titles in the series.
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