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Good game if you can deal with the load times:6.5

Alright, this game was bashed by EGM, but I liked the DC version and gave it a 9. Here is the rundown on the PS version dubbed KOF 99. The game is KOF evolution, and if ya don't know what that is then read my detailed review in the DC version, with the only exception being that there are no strikers in the game.

The game is pretty good but obviously is not as good as the DC version because of sheer power. However there are some things that bogg this game down. One of them is the horrible sound. The sound has been reduced to muffled out sounds that hamper the apearance and feel of the game. Play both versions and see the difference. Secondly is the graphics are not as good as the DC version but that is excusable since the PS did a decent job. What is not excusable is the very sloooow loading. This was present in Street Fighter Alpha but on a game like this it messes up flow. It takes about 10 seconds between rounds which is very annoying. On the plus side, all of the fighting characters are here and the moves seem easy to pull off on the PS Dual Shock pad.

Well the buy or not decision is tough here. The game is fun to play but load times kill the flow. I can deal with sounds and graphics however. If you can get this pretty cheap then buy it. If you have the KOFE for DC the skip this because there is nothing added here except the load times. Anyway it is a solid title.

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