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One of the Best ever:9

Well this game was critcally bashed on the PS but by seeing the score on top of the page you know I love the DC version. For those new to the concept, King Of Fighters basically pits all of SNK's famous characters against each other. There are many modes of play. They are: Team Play,pick 3 fighters and a striker, A.K.A a helper, and fight teams of 4, Team V.S., ditto but against a Human, Single, One fighter and one striker, single VS, ditto against human, Endless, endless time attack, and the Famous option mode. There is also a Extra stiker screen which allows you to spend accumulated battle points on an extra striker.

There are many good points about this game. One of them is the awesome control. Regular ,as well as super, moves are easy to preform. Also there is a handy and easy to read command list located on the pause screen. Instead of spending half of the fight guessing if you are doing the correct motions, you can simply pause the game and look at the way it is suppossed to be done. I have some surround sound speakers in my room and the music and sound sound absolutley awesome. Crank up the volume and hear music that may be mellow at times, but quickly changes to a thumping upbeat song that prepares anyone for the fight at hand.The graphics are great but the main thing that catapults this over the PS version is that the load times are almost gone. Wait 2 seconds and fight instead of 10. This keeps the tempo intact. Add the fact that there are over 20 characters to choose and you have plenty of variety.

The only real complaint is that the game is fairly short lasting only 6 or 7 fights. You also fight the same people over instead of a mixture of different fighters.The endings suck as well.

This is a great game and is a very easy buy for any fighting fan. Plenty of characters to choose from and easy moves packed with almost 0 load time make this one of the best fighters ever. I say an very easy buy that you won't be dissapointed with.

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