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Geez this game is freakin TERRIBLE!!!!!!!:3

At the risk of sounding like a geek, which i'm not(then again I run a site about videogames), I like role-playing games. Games with fantasy settings and monster's to slay. Call me old fashioned or just a geek, but those are the types of games I become engrossed in, especially if they have a great story.

Regardless I was expecting a lot from this game. EGM gave the game good scores and described as very lengthy and open ended. Instantly I became excited upon hearing this since I always prefer taking alternate routes rather than determined and straightfoward ones when advancing in the game or story. Well after waiting a couple of years to purchase the game used and cheap I can safely say I feel ripped even if I only spent $7 on the damn thing.

This game has so much going wrong for it I don't know where to start. The story is nonexistant, not kiddin there is none to speak of, since the game revolves around the actions you preform while playing, that is not a bad thing initially, but after a bit of wandering you soon discover there is nothing to do but run around and kill monsters, more like the other way around. You could help townspeople but there really is no point since there is no real goal to the game.

The setting seemed good at first but the acting is terrible. Something even worse is the battle system. This is the worst damn battle system ever!!!!!! I am not crappin ya. It is horrible. I hate it. Just imagine playing doom or halo with a stick, and not only that but actually taking minuites to kill something even if they are in front of you since the collision detection is so bad.Imagine barely surviving battles with a freakin crab! And since all you can really do is fight to get anything out of this game you are forced to endure mindless button mashing. Throw in fatigue and you can forget about enjoying it. Basically you get fatigued when swinging a sword or shooting arrows. When you become too fatigued you can't wield your weapon nor run away from the enemy fast enough to escape. You have to sit there and wait till the enemy slowly hacks at you, remember the terrible collision detection mentioned above?

I guess the redeeming Factor, there is only one, is the leeway given. They were no playing around when they said you can do anything. The most fun I had was stealing stuff or randomly hitting people, more like sneaking up on them then hacking their back only to get thrown in jail because they were not hurt because of the bad hit detection and ran off to call the guards. Even that wore off since I had to continually wait for the looooong load times to finish up. At least a minuite to load is ridiculous, yet another unfun aspect of this crap game.

Don't get it. I don't care how tempting or cheap it is. I have yet to touch it again and noone I know is stupid enough to buy it from me. Do yourself a favor and get Baldur's Gate, Lord of the Rings, or plug in some old systems to enjoy some old school Square games. Don't even bother with this geeky tangled web of sloppy gameplay.

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