Upon first playing 2004 one's first reaction may be not much has changed. Indeed no major overhaul has been found in this years edition but then again was one really needed? Last year really set the standard for years to come, IMO anyway, so really nothing totally new was needed. But in order to keep the game new and refreshing some tweaks were at least needed. Well tweak they have indeed, from pitches to give to potential prospects, to replaying historical games, and what may be the biggest tweak of all, the EA sports bio, which will keep track of all EA sports games that have been played and for how long.
Again nothing groundbreaking, but it keeps the game from becoming redundant. So if you have last years is it worth the new purchase? Well maybe not the XBOX version as online support was axed and the awkward placement of the pitch button hamper the score a little bit. Also 2003 was so good, still playing dynasty on it, that some small tweaks may not warrant a purchase. But if you don't own either and are looking for a real good pigskin title, then get off your rear and purchase this game, which somehow has managed to improve from last year.
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