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Best strategy game ever!:9Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Damn!. This is how you make a game. This is the reason why I brought a SNES. First of all you cannot control your characters in battle except for using tarot cards or to retreat. The characters have a attack or two which are used in diffrent situations.This does not detract from the fun at all. It is fun to see whether you are strong enough to fight a battle you cannot control. Whichever side takes off more damage wins.

The maps get very large later on in the game.The enemies get bigger and nastier, but cooler looking.Instead of generic dragon you see see dragons that look different and have diffrent features and characteristics. Whoever designed the characters needs a raise because they are some of the best I have seen in a game even though the generic type are all of the same.It is somewhat of a advanced game that all fans should play. If you are a novice to the genere I suggest you either find a friend who has played it or read a faq on the game so you will understand. I wont go into details on the story because it is kind of complicated.

The fact that there are multiple endings and paths to choose make this game even better. Do you want to be a eveil dictator? Thats fine. Just bear in mind that you will get a crappy ending. Throw in other factors like class evolution and convincing nuetral parties to join you, and the sheer # of different types of classes you encounter and you have a bonafide classic.

The music is mostly the same on battles and could have used some more tunes or sounds. Also I would like to have the option of saving at least during the map so I wouldn't miss anything crucial like the first time I plaed through.

Make no doubt about it, this game is the best strategy game on any console. Don't let those minor quips about the music detract you from buying this for your gaming library. Spend the $50 on ebay so you can experience one of the greatest games of all time.

Don't let the simple look fool you