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Nothing Special:5

This game could have been done on a 16 bit system. This is a racing game, but not a good one. There is only a one player mode, in a race mode or a time attack mode. This really hinders the score of this game since a two player option could have raised the score 2 or 3 points.The actual races are pretty long which helps the game a little but does not save it. During the race you can go over arrows that boost your speed tremendously, a la F-Zero,. There is a problem, however, that screws the idea up. You go out of control easy and since you can die, via falling off the track, it is kind of pointless to try to speed up and go super fast. Had there been a closed track, meaning you could not fall off the track and die, this would have helped out a lot. But alas, there was not which,all in all, made a pretty bad game. The killer is that the game really could have been real good but there were too many elements left out to give this a higher score. Does this warrant a buy? Depends. If you can deal with these annoying factors,like racing a lot, and looking for a cheap Saturn title then you may find yourself at your local Funcoland buying this game for a few bucks. I, however, can not recomend this game. Buy Daytona racing or something like that.

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