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Nice platformer often over looked:7

The term that should best describe Skeleton warriors is sleeper hit.The game is fun and often overlooked because of the Saturns reputation.The game does have it's share of problems but also has it's good points.

For starters the game is somewhat redundant. First you play through a strider like stage with plenty of action. At the end you must fight a boss to advance. After completing a few of these you get to use a fighter plane thingy to play through a Top Gun like stage.This is one of the major downfalls of this game because it is so boring.Repeat process over again. The shooting atage breaks any momentum that the game has gainedAlso the game really needs a save function. After playing trougha few stages a you feel like a break the game won't let you save. That means starting over which gets annoying real fast.

On the bright side of things the game overall is a fun and solid title that should be in your saturn collection. With the lack good games on the saturn and it's $5 price tag it should come as no surprise that I say buy the game.If this game was tweaked a little more it would have been awesome!

