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Baku Baku has an odd name and indeed is an odd little title. It is a puzzle game in which there are animals and their foods. Your object is kind of like Tetris Attack except that you line up the animal to their food. An example would be the bannana to the monkey. Very simple and fun.

There is supposed to be a story but I don't get it and it just shows up at the beginning and thats all.No major impact here folks. Then again who cares? Since when was there a story in a puzzle game? Making food and animals disappear makes food and animals fall on your opponents screen. There are coins that fall about once a match which when touching a certain object, makes all of them dissapear. An example would be if it touched the panda bear and the bannana then all of them would disapear. This can cause major chains and will have your opponent crying to their mamma.

The game is great and since it is on the Saturn, it is less than 5 bucks! It is addicting and even better on 2 player mode. That is where it's at. 2 player mode. You will cringe as pandas and carrots fall on top of you screwing up your chain you were setting up. The game is not super fun on one player mode which is why it was given a lower score, but don't misunderstand it.It is great and, while not on the level of Tetris Attack, will undoubtly provide a pretty good time.

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