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Merlene's Home Page

On this page you will be able to travel from page to page hopefully without too much trouble! It seems that I create one webpage followed by another and they get confusing after awhile. I am trying to correct that now, wish me luck!
My dental makeover

Survivor Party


Photos Crowson, Harwell, Kimbrough, Norton & Swan
Crowson Photos

On the link below you will find some pictures taken of all the kids in special shirts Lisa and I designed for Vacation.
Patriotic Pictures of the Kids 2002

On the link below you will see our kids played in a Monopoly tournament and just some other special happenings
Monopoly Tournament 2002

On the two links below you will see our 2002 Vacation to Port Aransas Vacation 2002
The Beach 2002

Below are two links for our 2001 Colorado vacation
See 2001 Vacation Pictures
More 2001 Vacation Pictures

On the two links

On the link below is a Family reunion of Mother's family
Frisbie Moore Family Reunion Pictures

NOTE:When you click on the links below and want to come back to my home page you will need to use your back button on your browser because there isn't a link to my site on these pages!

Go to Jared's 2003 Baseball Team site
Go to Josh's 2003 Baseball Team site
Go to Josh and Jared's 2002 Baseball Team site
Go to Jolee's family page
Red Hat Steel Magnolias Club

This link is to a site Alicia has made for family geneology
Go to Alicia's geneology page

If you enjoyed my pages or have a problem with a link please click below and let me know!

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