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Port Aransas

July 2002

Did I mention that this summer we had a little trouble with our vacation plans? you know, we usually go to Fun Valley, Colorado. But due to circumstances beyond our control...FOREST FIRES!!!

We decided to choose the beach. There were other deciding factors in where we would go because it was also the 4th of July week! We couldn't get reservations at the beach in Galveston so made arrangements to go to Port Aransas.

Pearlene called and made the reservations...but didn't check the weather!!!

It had been raining for 4 DAYS!!

We are a Desert People and too much rain makes us crabby!

You will not see many pictures of me here, because the entire vacation was a HAIR DISASTER!!!

We had some good rain storms while we were there but for most of the time it was overcast, WINDY as ever and the temperature was quite nice.

The adventure began with a Ferry ride to the island! Yes! We drove our trailer and the motorhome onto the ferry. That was a little on the frightening side for me!

We played on the beach and got in the water up to mid calf!

Don't be fooled by Pearlene she was sitting!

We are "big chickens" and we hear that SHARKS like chicken!

Jolee and April were trying out the Boogie Board

Hey Austin is that a SHARK?"

April was no problem when we went to the beach! She stayed with Snuggles

We left them plenty of water and snacks!

We also enjoyed going out at dark and looking on the beach with flashlights, glow sticks and nets to catch CRAPS! That's what April called them. The kids would catch as many crabs as they could find and then we would let them go and watch them scatter!

(When doing this you have to make sure they don't crawl up your leg, because it sometimes makes you SCREAM like a GIRL and run very fast!!!)

We had a great visit with Uncle Troy and Lu

Timmy and Linda came out but I didn't get my camera out! Darn the luck!

Pearlene, Bill and I went on a gambling cruise! $10 Tuesday they called it! Well I know for a fact that it cost more than 10 bucks!!! Needless to say we didn't come home winners! But we had a great time and the food was wonderful! We would love to go again!

Jacob's 15th Birthday, July 3

Jacob got a set of custom made golf clubs!

On July 4th we played on the beach some more and built an awesome sand castle!

Jared and Ashley building another sand city

Jared, Austin & Ashley

Josh on the boogie board

Jared swimming in the ocean

There is a Trolley that stops right outside of the campground and takes you around the city. On this particular day we had a Crazy driver, we had to hold on for dear life!

This is me having one of many bad hair days riding the trolley.

Jolee is holding on to April

It was rather windy and I begged Bill to put out the awning so I could hang my red, white and blue lights just for a little while!

Pearlene and April are dancing a little jig

Mother and Daddy enjoyed watching the kids

This concludes our beach vacation! Thanks for taking a look!

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