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The Digidestined

Hey everyone. The 02 and 03 kids won't be appearing here after all. This is Matt's temple and the 02 and 03 kids took the spotlight away from him.


Name: Mimi

Crest: Sincerity

Digimon: Palmon, Togemon, Lilymon

Mimi is the baby of the group. Plain and simple. It is obvious that she is "Daddy's Little Princess" and has never had to lift a finger in her life. In EVERY episode, she complains about how her feet hurt, how she wants to wash her hair, how hungry she is, how tired she is, how she wants to go home and twenty other things. But other than that, she really is a good person. She doesn't like fighting and she always tries to look for the silver lining on every cloud.

Name: sora

Crest: Love

Digimon: Biyomon, Birdramon, Garudamon

Sora is the "Big Sister" figure in the group. She takes care of everyone and trys to resolve fights between Matt *Drool* and Tai. As you may have guessed, she really has her hands full with those two. Sora's mom is single and has a hard time raising Sora by herself. In one episode, she asks Biyomon if Sora hates her. But as you know, she really loves her mom a lot and doesn't hate her at all.

Name: Kari

Crest: Light

Digimon: Salomon, Gatomon, Angewomon

This is Kari. She is Tai's little sister. Even though she is young, she is very reliable. She is also very sensitive to things around her. In one episode, she begins to talk with shining lights that take over her body and tell the digidestined about how and why they were chosen. Possesion. Neat, huh? Tai loves her very much and always trys to protect her as best he can.


Agumon: Hey! Isn't that the highway the highway we were walking down in "My Sister's Keeper"?
Izzy: It is! How prodigous!

Name: Tai

Crest: Courage

Digimon: Agumon, Greymon, Metalgreymon, Wargreymon

Meet Tai, the leader of the group.Matt SHOULD have been the leader! When the digimon series began, Tai took it upon himself to lead the kids and keep them safe. Since then, he has loosened up on his responsibilities and tried to not be so cold-hearted to the group. Tai and his little sister Kari get along really well with each other and Kari gets along with everyone in the group, human and digimon alike. In the episonde "My Sister's Keeper", Tai tells Izzy how he takes full responsibility for Kari almost dying when she was younger. Tai really cares about everyone in the group, but would go to the end of the world and back for Kari.

Name: TK

Crest: Hope

Digimon: Patamon, Angemon, Magnaangemon

This is TK, Matt's *Drool again* little brother. Doesn't he look like a younger verson of his brother? I think he does. TK's parents are divorced and he lives with his mom while his brother lives with his dad. Contrary to popular belief, TK is Matt's *GASP* Matt's name THREE times in one page! There is a god! ^_^ YIPPEE! FULL BROTHER. Not half-brother, not step brother FULL BROTHER. Got that? That information was provided by a friend of mine whose mom works in the anime buisiness. For some reason, I believe her.

Name: Joe

Crest: Reliability

Digimon: Gomamon, Ikkakumon, Zudamon

One word describes Joe. Worry-Wort. Thats it. Joe is the group worrier. He always has his medical bag and band-aids with him. As you know, in the episode "Weregarurumon's Dinner", he is also very clumsy. But enough of the Good-Guy bashing. Joe's crest is good at describing him too. He is very reliable. If you need advice, go to him. If yuo need a good pep talk, go to him. If you need toilet paper, go to him. ^_~ Like my joke? If you need a couragous person, don't look his way. You won't be able to find him. ^_^ Ain't she funny?

Name: Izzy

Crest: Knowledge Now THAT'S a surprise! ^_~

Digimon: Tentomon, Kabuterimon, Megakabuterimon, Herculeskabuterimon I have digimon cards. That's how I got the name. If they've changed it in the TV show, E-Mail me and I will change it.

Prodigous! It's Izzy! If knoweledge is power, Izzy must be the strongers person in the digiworld AND our world AND in every other world. Sometimes, Izzy spends so much time on his lap-top, he seems to be really cold-hearted. Let me tell you now, he's not. He's really a good person at heart and cares about everyone in the group. Izzy's parents died in a car crash when he was a baby and he was raised by a distant cousin of his dad's. He grew up thinking they were his real parents but he found out one night by overhearing them talking about it. In one episode in the Myotismon Saga, his 'father' tells him about him being adopted. After his 'father' tells him this, Izzy tells him and his 'mother' that he had know for a long time but he still considered them his mom and dad. Isn't that sweet?

Wanna be like Mimi and go home? Click here!