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Digimon of the World!

Hello world, welcome to the page of Matt's Digimon! The other digimon can be found elsewhere, since this page is all about Yama-chan's!

This digimon is called Punimon. This is what hatched from Matt's digi-egg. I think it looks like strawberry jello with eyes. ^_^

This is the baby digimon called Tsunomon. When any of Matt's digimon use up all their power, they revert back to this form until he has enough energy to go back to being Gabumon.

As I'm sure you know, this is Gabumon. If you have been watching Digimon(tm), you know that he can go to Garurumon AND Metalgarurumon. He gets to Metalgarurumon by warp(fourth, war, call it what you want. I've heard it called all of these.)-digivolving. I love the voice line where he tells Matt that, no matter what, he will always be Matt's friend and will always stand behind him. Gabumon is very wise and usually knows what he is talking about.

*TAADAA!* It's Garurumon! Yippee! I think Garurumon is one of the coolest (no pun intended ^_^;) digimon in the series. Even though he looks mean in this picture, he only gets mean if you threaten one of the digi-destined. He gets REALLY mean if you threaten Matt. If you don't make him mad, he is one of the nicest digimon around.

This is the werewolf digimon called Weregarurumon. *HOWL!* Isn't he cool looking?

*TAADAA* This is Metalgarurumon. He is the ULTIMATE fighting machine. He is also a mega digimon. I can't speak for you, but I know that I'M impressed. I know it is a small picture but it was the best that I could find. I will be looking around on the net to find better pictures but until I find one, bear with me, Okay? Thanks!

You get the idea.
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