
Pvt John Griffith during Basic Training at Ft. Ord, CA July 1966
Joe Mirek standing by his car outside the MP Station at Camp Roberts.

MP Barracks, how it looks today photo taken 11/18/02

Original site of the 6th Army Headquarters, Division Hill, Camp Roberts.
In the foreground is the walkway up to where the flag pole used to stand. In
the upper left is the slab where the 105mm cannon used to be. It was the MP's job
to perform Flagcall in the morning and evening. The Flag could be seen as far away as Hwy 101 which is looking east of the photo. This is how it looks like today.
Photo taken 11/18/02

Joe Mirek (on right) and John Griffith standing on the steps of the MP/PMO Station where they used to serve. This was the first visit back to the MP/PMO Station in 35 years. The photo shows how the MP/PMO Station looks today. Photo taken 11/18/02

This is the Main Gate to Camp Roberts It looks the same today as it did 35 years ago. Photo taken 11/18/02

John Griffith "Getting the Drop" Bad Boy Bad Boy, Whatcha gone Do when they Come For you .....{1966}"

Two of the M151A1 Jeeps used by the Military Police at Camp Roberts (1966).

John Mirek and his wife standing outside the Gate Shack at the Entrance to Camp Roberts. Photo taken 11/18/02.

This is the Camp Roberts MP/PMO Station Bldg 1002 which is located just to the left, inside the main gate entrance. This is how it looks today. Photo taken 11/18/02.
Camp Roberts overview looking Southeast from the current Headquarters hill occupied by the California National Guard. Photo taken 11/18/02.

John Griffith Today.
In Memory of Gilbert Nathan Griffith
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