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Fort Ord, California

7th Infrantry Division

7th Military Police Co

54th Military Police Co

Above picture is the Main Gate of Fort Ord. We also called it the Planet because there would be different weather throughout the post. The maingate would be foggy, the southgate would be clear, and rain on the eastgate. Ft. Ord is located at Monterey, CA.

These are one of the many barrack compexes on Ft. Ord. These are the newer barracks. There are also barracks dating back to WWII.

This is a statue of a Drill Sergeant. Ft. Ord was a Basic Traing Facillity until sometime after Vietnam.

This is Martinez Hall. It was the introduction/processing center for troops arriving and leaving Fort Ord.

This is Stilwell Hall.

This is Silas B. Hayes Hospital

The bottom picture is one of the many housing areas for the married soldiers at Fort Ord.

Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, CA

The Lone Cypress Tree

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