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There's Nothing Like A Woman

My Woman

My woman, she walks and talks and holds me tight.
She kisses my lips when we say goodnight.
My woman you see she is always there.
She listens to me moan and groan
and just smiles with care.

She knows there is and always
has been this soft side of me.
But it took her love and caring
and understanding to get it out of me.

There was a time when I thought
I was teaching my woman something
but it turned out she was teaching me
without me even knowing it.

I love this woman and care for her so much you see.
She is the steadying force in my life, I hope you see.
For without this woman of grace and so much inner beauty,
I wouldn't be and we both know it.

But that enough looking at what could of been
What matters most is I have her and she always has my hand.
We walk together side by side.
Never going too far out of each other’s site you see.
For once we lose contact then
we both start to feel so lone and without.

The only cure is for one or the other
to walk up and say, are you looking for me?
Then a smile comes across both our faces
and what once was beating slow,
is now going pitter patter.

The rest, well that is between my woman and me.
Walking together in love until eternity.

Caring John 4/2/2001


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"Caring John"

July 3, 2001

"There's Nothing Like A Woman"
by Vince Gill
