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My Stardust Woman

Star Dust Woman

Stardust woman is this woman of mine.
She is filled with stardust and it’s all mine.
She is a stardust woman, from now on, even though at
one time it wasn't so. I'll have you know.

No, I found my stardust woman, some time back...
she was alone and scared and only wearing a gunny sack.
But with time and care and lots of love, I dusted my
stardust woman off and filled her with love.

Now she shows me how much she cares for me
In ways I would of never ever believed
For you see my stardust woman has become
The love of my life don't you see.

I don't tell my stardust lady near enough
But since she has started on the stardust,
She has also calmed me and filled me with love.
I’m not near as moody with my stardust lady around.
I don't bit and jump when other people say thing out of line.

I have my moments but then we both do.
I say things wrong at times
But my stardust lady holds me close when I do.
She is my mistress of the night. She is my lover,
My princess, she holds the key to my life

I will always hold my stardust lady close to my heart.
She will go with me everywhere and we will never part.
She is my love and always will be.

My lady of love, walking gently inside of me.
Looking up at the stars, my lady.
She does, blowing me kisses of stardust filled with love.

Caring John


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"Caring John"

June 17, 2001

The Little River Band
