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     Educator Workshops

Capturing Kids' Hearts Training

  • Three-day training in a retreat or hotel setting.
  • Teaches techniques for dealing with behavioral and disrespect issues, and for building productive relationships with ALL students.
  • Teaches skills for effective class management and powerful communication.
  • Demonstrates how to use the EXCEL Teaching ModelÔ in creating an effective environment for learning.
  • Fulfills one of the requirements to teach Teen Leadership. 
        (24 hours)

Building Champions Workshop
  • One-day workshop at your site to help your staff build trust and respect with their students and learn how to maximize the
        environment for learning in their classrooms.
  • Uses educational video Building Champions featuring Flip Flippen and "Horse Whisperer"  Monty Roberts, author of the best-selling book, The Man Who Listens to Horses.
  • Graphically demonstrates the first two steps of the EXCEL Teaching ModelÔ--Engage and X-plore.  (6 Hours)

Behave In or Behave Out
  • One-day workshop at your site to help your staff build trust and respect with students and learn how to maximize the
  • environment for learning in classrooms.
  • Teaches techniques for dealing with behavioral and
  • disrespect issues, and for building productive relationships with ALL students.
  • Teaches skills for effective class management and powerful communication. (6 Hours)

educators workshops are developed by M.B. Flippen and
Associates.  To schedule one of these workshops with Kathleen Cirillo, Ph.D. call Susan Flippen at (979) 693-7660.  For more
information visit their website @