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Does Anyone Care?

Historical Maker notice sign hit by car!

There is going to be a city counsel meeting to discuss the Garvin Memorial Cemetery on February 2, 2004. It will be at 2:00pm at Dallas City Hall on the 6th Floor. Please write a letter telling the city counsel the importance of maintaining the cemetery as a historical site and as a legacy to our children whether you are descendants of these honored dead or not. Mail the letter to:

Gordon Swor
1433 Rolling Hills
Celina, TX 75901

Amazing Historical Marker is still standing!

Pleasant G. Swor

I believe photos speak louder than words! What if your great grandfather or great-great-grandparents were buried here? Would you care?

Martha E. (Winn) Swor, wife of Pleasant G. Swor

As you are now, so once was I
As I am now, soon you shall be

James G. Garvin - donated this land

Just take a few minutes and write Gordon an email message. Use my email address which is located at: John Swor and His Descendants Home Page and I will forward it on to Gordon Swor. It is that simply! Please tell others about this web page! We need all the letters we can get concerning Garvin Memorial Cemetery's future!

'Forever' resting place may become a memory

Descendants see grave stakes in land battle

Link to surveyed Garvin Cemetery

Swor Family Quarterly

Swor Families Reunions

get this gear!

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