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Andel’s Legandary PawPrints x Lough Derraine O’Burks



Doc is shown finishing his championship by going WD/BOW for his third four point major.  Doc has matured into the promise he showed as a young dog.  He has wonderful angulation in front and rear topped off with a graceful arched neck, solid top line and correct tail set.  He has drive to spare in his rear and simply glides across the floor when he moves.  As for attitude, nothing upsets him in or out of the ring; he has proven to be a loving and faithful companion as well as showing an outstanding star quality in the ring.  When he sets foot in front of a judge, he really ‘turns on’.  His pedigree speaks for itself in solid heritage.


Doc was shown on a limited basis as a puppy and then rested at home to mature.  At eighteen months he took his first points by going WD/BOW in Fr. Worth in March 2001.  We again let him mature a few more months and only took in a few shows.  Then starting in July 2001, Doc hit the circuit and finished with back-to-back WD/BOW for four point majors on the tough Tulsa show in November 2001.  He was rarely beaten in his class and many times took reserve honors.  Michael Shepherd handled him beautifully to all his wins.


Doc is retired from the show ring. He is occasionally shown, but mostly he just loves the couch.

He is shown here taking BOS against other specials in Stephenville Texas in June 2002  Doc lives at home with his owners, John and Lavon Wilkinson, where he manages to get a choice spot on the sofa before his other boxer buddies get there.  He has also developed the habit of soaking his feet in the pool and then ‘sharing’ his wetness in true boxer nature.