The ARA is a movement of regular people working togerher to solve a problem. We do the hard work necasary to decrease racism. sexism, anti-gay bigetory, antisemitism, and the unfairness which is often suffered by the disabled, the youngest, the oldest and the poorest of our people. ARA started in 1987 in Minneplois, and spread thoughout the rest of the country. It grew out of the punk/hardcore music scene, due ti the sudden appearence of racists. The boneheads turned the neighborhoods and clubs from liberating places into warzones.
The "first wave" took place from 1987 until 1992, and was quite succesful, slowly nazis were driven away from the clubs and cities. In 1993 ARA decided to rebuild into a powerful diverse movement for positive change>. ARA is now a presence in over 150 cities in the United States and Canada and continues to grow.