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Friends Pic's
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If you would like to see your picture here,

please send me your picture with some description

and I will add it on the next update J

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Please do not copy pictures unless authorized by their owners

all pictures are copyright

©Copyright Assina(Aust)1999


This is Chris aka MG-Chris from Germany, he runs a little tobacco shop there, look him up when you are there, get to know more about him on his homepage



Hi, my name is Marie I'm a lbk amputee I live in California and I am 36 years old I love dancing and bike riding and ohhh yes movies and dining ..... I have met many new friends in #Pumpkin, using the nick EvesDreams, and spend much of my time there ........ look forward to seeing u there :)

I love getting mail too lol



This is Jim one of our friends from #Pumpkin, why don't you go and have a look at his homepage




Hi I'm Darren (aka Woodys Den).

I'm a right arm above elbow amputee and met Jason through a mutual friend.   I'm always looking to make new friends and contacts from around the world and have started swapping souvenirs with people I have met on the internet from different countries via the postal services.  If you are interested in this swapping email me or my ICQ # 122505813 and we will get things started.

He also has a very nice homepage

You can write to him here



This is Robyn a good friend from Brisbane, sometimes I succeed in repairing her computer lol

Here are her own words :

Hi, I am Robyn (aka Classically Juliet). I have known Jason for some years now and have also met and spent some time with his lovely wife Talena. Like Jason, I too come from Brisbane however I am on the north side approx 40 mins. away. Thank goodness Jason can fix things over the net for me, he has been invaluable to me over the years with my computer problems, and makes a mean cuppa when it is beyond my capabilities.


You can write to her here :-)



These links were correct at the time of writing, please advise if they don't work, and I will attempt to fix them.
Click here for the second Page.

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You can write to me here



© Copyright Assina (Aust) 1998