~ Millennium ~
When, as a child, I thought of the year
I thought surely we would be flying around like the Jetsons and
in space suits, wearing throw away clothes (no washing and
ironing) and taking a pill instead of eating meals (no buying and
preparing). Sounded pretty good to me. We certainly have seen
many amazing changes over the past 50 years, but all in all, life
is much the same in many areas.
As the 20th Century comes to a close,
I find myself thinking about the significance of this event.
It has never been my practice to makeNew Year resolutions.
But this year I am more thoughtful about the future,
for I realize that I am entering the last phase of my life
..assuming it is God's will that I live out a normal life span.
I have seen our country, our communities,
and our homes become more prone to violence
and less prone to living by God's Ten Commandments
and the Golden Rule I was taught as a child.
My desire is that the remainder of my
life be spent
making any contribution I can toward making our world
a more loving, peaceful place to live.
I realize that is a small goal..
nothing showy or particularly significant,
but we must begin somewhere.....
with ourselves.
I want to consciously try to live moment
by moment,
really seeing what is around me.
I challenge you to join me in this endeavor.
Oh, how different each day would be
if we knew it were our last.
God help us live in that kind of love
and appreciation
for each moment You give us to breathe.
Teach us to truly Count Our Blessings.
I am reminded of the song, "Count
Your Blessings",
that Bing Crosby made popular when he sang it
in the classic movie, "White Christmas".
"When I'm worried and I can't
I count my blessings instead of sheep.
And I fall asleep counting my blessings."
I am also reminded of a story of a small
in the store with her mother.
When the store keeper offered the child an orange at which she
had been gazing wistfully,
her mother said, "Now, what do you say?"
The little girl quickly replied, "PEEL IT " !
Father, help us to not have a "PEEL
IT" attitude,
but to be grateful for everything.
My purpose in creating this web site
was to share those things
that give meaning to my life.
Please join me on the next few pages as we explore,
in light of the next millennium......
Graphic by: Victorian Scrap Album
©Copyright 2000/2001 Barbara Jenkins
All rights reserved unless otherwise noted.