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(Last updated: Oct. 19, 2003) Hey everyone! My name is Bradley Allen. I was born on July 26, 2002 at 5:55 p.m. I weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 17.5 inches. My mommy and daddy are Brittany and Nathan. I was born 4 weeks premature and had pnuemonia, therefore, I was in the hospital NICU for 16 days. I have been growing up really fast now that I'm better! I am now 15 months old, weigh 20 lbs, and I am 32 inches long. Here are some new pictures taken of me Labor Day weekend and October 2003. There are also some pictures from Halloween last year and Christmas last year. As you can see, I was a Hershey's Kiss for Halloween. Wasn't I cute? I hope you enjoy my webpage and my pictures. Check on my website often, since it's fairly new, it's updated a lot....

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Pictures of ME!!