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Total Number of Guests 244
Brooke's Album Covers Page
Record 244
Name: Mari
Referred by: A hurricane blew me in
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Time: 2000-09-16 13:55:54
Comments: I have signed your guestbook several times but i just cant tell you enough how much i love your site! You know i am a picture freak so i am always soooo excited when you get new pics and you already have so many rare pics that no other sites have and i LOVE it! I can only imagine how much time and effort you put into this and i really appreciate it. You give up all your time for someone like me to have a great place to visit - and i do visit often. Don't ever listen to anyone else because - trust me - i have visited hundreds of Hole/Courtney sites and yours is one of the best and especially one of my faves. Thanx again sweetie - i appreciate all your hard work and creativity! Mari

Record 242
Name: Holly
Website: pixie d u s t
Referred by: The Hole Link Exchange
Time: 2000-09-01 18:20:09
Comments: Mucho love and admiration as always to Brooke for running such an amazing site. Oh and thank you for linking to me!

Record 241
Name: Michelle
Website: dont have one
Referred by: The Hole Link Exchange
From: UK
Time: 2000-08-23 05:06:44
Comments: your website, tis very pretty, yay

Record 240
Name: Donna
Website: Donna's Music and Webart
Referred by: From Yahoo's Hole directory
From: Los Angeles
Time: 2000-08-16 05:23:57
Comments: Cool website! I really enjoyed visiting you site.

Record 239
Name: a.j.
Website: Sickening Milk
Referred by: A hurricane blew me in
From: crap hole oklahoma
Time: 2000-08-10 08:53:58
Comments: Private Message (click to view)

Record 238
Name: shelly
Website: Pretty Power Hole Page
Referred by: It's the damned viruses
From: Massachusetts
Time: 2000-08-08 20:04:51
Comments: This page is a kewl one check mine out too PEAcE OuT!! *shelly*

Record 237
Name: saori love menjo
Referred by: Someone's guestbook
Time: 2000-06-27 12:05:33
Comments: Your site is very good!! I love courtney too. Please tell me more courtney!

Record 236
Name: Rheanna Di Virgilio
Referred by: From Yahoo's Hole directory
From: Santa Clara, California
Time: 2000-06-26 19:00:49
Comments: This is really cool of you. Of all the Hole pages I've seen, I seriously think this is the best one. I have a friend who is obsessed with Hole and I will tell her about it too. I love Hole. This is really creative. I'm sure Courtney would love it.

Record 235
Name: *LuNa*
Referred by: I don't care, why should you?
From: quebec,canada
Time: 2000-06-20 21:31:11
Comments: hi! dear Brooke, your page is wonderfull for people who wants some good information on bootlegs!!! its great!!! keep going!! AD:i wanna buy some bootlegs. so if you live in CANADA,and if you sell bootlegs (or if you know a good canadian trader) please email me!!!

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Brooke's Album Covers Page
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