Brooke's Album Covers Page
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Total Number of Guests 250
Brooke's Album Covers Page
Record 250
Name: Nina
Website: Rose White Rose Red
Referred by: I don't care, why should you?
From: NY
Time: 1999-08-23 02:06:51
Comments: Lovely webpage. Why don't u check out my site sometime...

Record 249
Name: Jenn
Website: Courtney Love
Referred by: The Hole Link Exchange
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-22 03:51:36
Comments: Hey everybody does anyone have anything to share with me. Any Hole videos or Pictures.

Record 248
Name: jesse
Referred by: From Yahoo's Hole directory
From: australia
Time: 1999-08-15 12:19:15
Comments: i love your page....courtney love is a fucking legend and i love hole so much.i will definatly come back to see if you have updated it!keep up the good work.... COURTNEY LOVE ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Record 247
Name: Thurston Whore
Referred by: This page sucks
From: Seattle
Time: 1999-08-05 07:00:48
Comments: Let's face the facts: 1.COURTNEY LOVE KILLED KURT COBAIN!!!! 2.Kurt wrote every song on Pretty on the inside and Live through this. The proof is in the retard girl ep. All the songs on that recording suck. 3.Billy Corgan wrote every song on the new album. I thought that hole sounded alot like the smashing pumpkins. 4. Courtney is not a good actress. 5. Courtney is a slut. 6. Courtney is a horrible guitarist. every Hole song is so simple to play. The songs are written for 12 year old beginner guitarist's to play. 7. Courtney Love punched Kathleen Hanna because she is just jelous because Kathleen is better looking. 8. Hole sucks even worse now without Patty Schemel behind the drum kit. 9. Courtney is just a rockstar so that she can provide sexual services for other rock star, real rock stars like Kurt Cobain, Trent Reznor, etc. 10. Hole has sold out. All of these facts are true. That is why they are facts. Hole sucks that is the bottom line.

Record 246
Name: Nick
Referred by: I don't care, why should you?
From: New York City
Time: 1999-08-05 06:51:12
Comments: Hole Sucks without Patty. Bring Patty back!!!!!! Hole has become too commercial, and Courtney has sold out her punk background for glamorous non-sense. Maybe she changed because she ran out of songs wriitten by Kurt, a real punk rocker. Maybe Courtney should blow her brains out too!!!! Your page is cool though. But you need more pictures of Patti Schemel.

Record 245
Name: Kim
Website: ~*~Pixie Rain Rare Rock Videos~*~
Referred by: The Hole Link Exchange
From: Maryland
Time: 1999-07-29 20:58:51
Comments: I LOVE your page. It's awesome keep it up. Please check out my page for rare hole concerts on video. Thanks!

Record 244
Name: Jacqui
Referred by: A hurricane blew me in
Time: 1999-07-28 03:41:07
Comments: Well, I stop by this page nearly every day, so I figured I should sign the guestbook every once in a while. Brooke, I love your page, as always. I can't count the number of times I've come here to find out a set list or print out an album cover, or just stare in awe and envy at your huge-ass Hole collection. Can't stop typing...I'm just going to click send now. Err, preview.

Record 243
Name: Amaya
Referred by: A hurricane blew me in
From: WV
Time: 1999-07-24 03:56:12
Comments: Hey Brooke! *WOW* Whatta great page! It's really well put together and you have TONS of info that no other Hole site has. I really enjoy visiting your page so keep up the great work! :)

Record 242
Name: jasmine
Website: Starbelly
Referred by: From Yahoo's Hole directory
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1999-07-12 09:58:26
Comments: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllleeeeeeee

Record 241
Name: Brandon
Website: Sans webpage, sorry
Referred by: I don't recall
From: Texas
Time: 1999-07-11 03:12:10
Hey Brooke,

This site is really extensive and thoroughly covers the subject matter. One thing this site certainly has going for it is that it's nothing flashy, but attractively decorated to make the navigating fun and colorful. The articles offer a nice literary supplement to all the lists and pictures.

A word of advice: I exhort you never to bother to refute the outlandish claims made against Courtney Love regarding the death of Kurt Cobain. Those who believe that merely make a blatant display of their own ignorance and show that they do obeisance to a rock star who is, regrettably, dead and gone. Certainly his music had merit, but then, so does Courtney's. Will she ever come to the legendary status that Kurt did? Perhaps not, but that doesn't matter. A musician ought to love the music and the invention thereof. Creativity ought to be the first pursuit, the entertainment of those who appreciate it (i.e., fans) second. Is Courtney motivated by career aspirations or the creation and performance of music alone? We could talk about this all day long, but it doesn't matter. An exhortation to all who read this: love the music, respect the musician for his inventiveness, but look for something besides a rock star to worship. I recommend Jesus.

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