Vengeance Is Mine Quotes

"Hi. Look at my eye, someone beat me up. Can you tell that someone beat me up?"
-Courtney to the crowd

"Hey! You guy in the blue shirt. Blue shirt guy, security guy, hey! Give them water."

"Alright here's a song about a jerk. I love you too, but you gotta love me more than you love Billy Pumpkin cause we're having a contest."
-Courtney to the crowd

"Um, this song is dedicated to uh, Marianne and uh, Julianne, and uh..his family and uh..Mary Shelley can go to hell."
- Courtney, before He Hit Me

"This is a song about a jerk. I hexed him, now he's losing his hair."
-Courtney before playing Violet, a song about Billy Corgan

"Hi! Kiss my ass! We're Pearl Jam!"

"Thanks for throwing your flannels up here. I'm glad you're aware that grunge is dead. Melissa likes menswear. It's cause of from Canada!"
Melissa:"That's the way it all should be, they're playing tonight, what do you care? Competish.."
Courtney:"It's a Canadian thing, I don't understand it."
Melissa: "That's right."
Courtney: "Whatever."
Melissa:"Oh no..she's ticked at me."
Courtney: "I am not jealous!"
Melissa:"No, you're not jealous. You're teasing me, big sista."
Courtney:"Ok, Blissa."

"How can you love me if you don't know me? I stink really bad."

"You only love me cause you don't know about evil things yet. When you grow and learn about evil things, it'll be all over. Wait, let me get drunk."
