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Brownwood High School
Class of 1966

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Most of the pictures included on these pages are from the 1966 Pecan. Hopefully, you will send a current picture to place next to your yearbook picture. If you have one saved electronically, you can email it (along with your biography). For information on submitting pictures and biographical info via email or regular "snail" mail, click here. We welcome both your personal pictures and any then or now group pictures to add to our Class of 66 web pages. 
Biographies have a ".pdf" extension and can be viewed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click the icon to download and install this software on your computer. This software is available for both Mac and Windows computers. 


Freddie Adams, Linda Akins, Ray Alexander, Linda Anderson, Judy Andrews, Van Arnold
Mary Babbitt, Benny Bailey, Patty Barnard, Curtis Barnett, Pat Bell, Barbara Benson, Billy Bettis, Judi Biggs, Don Bird, Margaret Blagg, Ursula Boehlen, David Bolick, Pat Bradley, Billy Roy Branum, Jackson Bratton, Barbara Brede, Billy Joe Brown, Jan Bucy, Linda Bullion
Jack Campbell, Joe Campbell, Joe Caraway, Ann Carmichael, Allen Carriger, Mike Chaumont, Sheryl Chesnutt, John Chesser, Danny Chrisman, Daniel Costilla, Roy Cox, Walter Croft
Dennis Daley, James Davis, Jan Davis, Leroy Deanda, Don Dillard, Thomas Doebner, Randy Donahoo,
Cheryl Douglas
Charlie Ellis, Finley England, Doug Etheredge, Pamela Fleet, Jerry Flores, Jadie Freeman, Linda Fulton
Vicki Galloway, Raul Garcia, Janice German, Susan Gill, Sandy Gleaton, Sharon Glenn, Glenn Glover, Billy Gober, Luciano Gonzales, Brenda Gordon, Lois Gordon, Barry Graves, Gary Green, Danny Griffin, Melinda Griffin, Jerry Griffith, Jeannie Groom
Bobby Hall, Larry Hall, Sue Hammit, Terry Hammond, DaAnna Hankins, Juanita Harman, David Harper, Rob Havins, Annette Hawthorne, David Henley, Ann Hinson, Zanna Holcomb, June Holland, Pam Holley, Pat Holloway, Lynn Holt, Rosa Lee Holt, Mickey Hooks, Billie Horton, Pat Humpheries
William Isbell, Linda Ivie, Rita Ivy, Nelson Jackson, Bonnie Jamar, Billy James, Wayne Johnson, Richard Jones, Cletus Keefer, Loyd Kegans, Ann Kirk, Kenneth Kirkland, Bobby Kitner, David Kitner
Regena Large, Cheryl Laughlin, Zane Lawson, Frank Leach, Randy Leach, Carolyn Lednicky, Marilyn Lednicky, Jo Ann Lindsey, Steve Lippe, Jenifer Locker, Lewis Locker, Ronnie Loe, Sue Lovelace
Fleta Magner, Jimmy Marlin, Skipper Marshall, George Martin, Diana Martinez, Paula Mask, Martha Massey, Craig McBride, Terry McDonald, Wayne McGlothlin, Mike McInnis, Mike McMillan, Donnie McMillian, Ronnie McMillian, Gary Meador, Shy Milner, Martha Monroe, Sherry Moore, Truett Moore, Annette Morris, Bob Morris, Sabre Muehlbrad, Candi Myrick
Sara Nay, Dorcas Newcom, Sid Newton, Janice Nicks, Christine Norwood, Ronnie Parker, Norlene Parsons, Randy Paul, Mary Peña, Johnny Perez, Betty Gail Perkins, Carla Perry, Glenda Pierce, Jerry Pierce, Jimmy Piper, Tommy Piper, Robby Pitts, Gayle Ply, Janee Pollock, Robert Porter, Dale Price, Mike Price
Jeannie Reynolds, Sandra Rhea, Roger Richey, Jo Anna Roller, Janis Russell, Bill Saunders, Barbara Scott, Marjorie Seward, Mary Sharpe, Joe Shaw, Carolyn Skaggs, Janice Sledge, Becki Smith, Juanita Smith, Mike Smith, Rody Smith, Jimmie Soto, Bob Stearns, Claudette Stephens, Steve Storm, Bill Streckert, Johnny Strickland, Tommy Sullivan, Pat Sumpter, Sharon Swagerty
Sam Thomas, Randall Thompson, Jay Timmins, Geri Tope, Buster Tucker, Mike Tulcus, Barbara Vaughn
Jeannette Waite, Johnny Ward, David Weaver, Carol Wedeman, Kathleen Weekley, Mark Weid, Kristi Wetzel, Tommy White, Gene Whiteley, Kerry Wilkins, James Williamson, Mona Kay Wilson, Faye Nell Woods, Roger Wyatt, Phil Yazell, Jack Young, Cynthia Zimbal

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