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Charles Buchanan Harris Chapter #2531

Sulphur Springs, Texas

Programs and Events

Mrs. Jack E. Jackson, Jr. - Historian General 2012-2014

Historian General Program

The Horses They Rode

September 2014

Historian General Program

Confederate Stamps

October 2014

Historian General Program

Ghosts of the Past

November 2014

Historian General Program

Religion Among the Troops

December 2014

Historian General Program

Lee's Fighting Tigers

January 2015

Historian General Program

The Indians That Fought With Honor

February 2015

Historian General Program

Off to War Johnny Reb

March 2015

Historian General Program

Confederate Money

April 2015

Historian General Program

Confederate Poetry

May 2015

Historian General Program

The Day the President of the Confederacy was Laid to Rest

June 2015

Historian General Program

Dress Southern Women Wore

July 2015

Historian General Program

Songs of the South: Legacy of Confederate Music

August 2015

Updated September 2014


Confederate Grave Sites

Honoring Our Confederate Ancestors

Chapter History