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I was born in Aug of 1969 in the City of Norfolk, Va. I am the youngest and the only boy of four children that my mother had. My parents were divorced in 1977 and my father remarried in 1981 in which he and his wife had two more children. At the age of five is when I started my life in sports when I started playing baseball. In 1980 my mother was remarried to my stepfather, who was is the military. In 1982 we moved from Virgina Beach, Va. to the small town of O'Fallon, IL. O'Fallon is just inside the IL. line across the river from ST.Louis, MO. While living there I was able to watch a baseball game between the ST.Louis Cardinals and the SD.Padres. I also visited the Anhiswer Beer factory and went into the ST.Louis Arch. In 1985 we moved to Miami, FL. While in Miami I visited Key West which is a great place to go snooking. In Jan 1986 while I was standing on the second floor walk way of my school a friend came over and said that the space shuttle just exploded. I went to the north part of the school and you could see parts of the space shuttle "Challenger" falling back down to Earth. In the summer of 1987 I moved back to Norfolk, Va. where I went back to finish my last year of High School. While there I took a course at the local Votech in computer programming. That is where I first got into computers. I graduated High School in 1988. In Jan of 1989 I join the U.S.Army. I spent 8 week in Ft.Knox,Ky. for my basic training. After that I was sent to FT.Rucker,AL. for 16 week learning to be an Air Traffic Controller. From there I was sent to Schofield Barracks,Hawaii. Hawaii is an awsome place to be in, you have some of the most beautiful beachs in the world there. You could see the sun rise over the ocean in the morning and also see the sun set over the ocean in the evening. While in Hawaii I went to Japan for 30 days on an excercise called "Orient Shield". Japan is also a lovely country. I also went to Korea on a 30 day excerise called "Team Spirit". I went to the Big Island of Hawaii where they have the Black Sands beach. it is so weird to see a beach covered with black sand. The Big Island is also where the two volcanoes are located at. In Jan 1993 I moved back to Norfolk,Va. when I was discharged from the ARMY. In Aug 1994 I was hired as a mail carrier for the U.S.P.S. In April of 1995 i meet "Christina" who became my girlfriend". On Sep 1, 1997 Christina and I were married. The day before we were married though which was Aug 31,1997, is when Prinness Diana was killed in an auto accident. In March of 1998 my wife gave birth to our only child. The two of them our the ones in the photo on the main page. My son is almost five years old and has some of the prettiest baby blue eyes you will ever see. In Dec 1998 my wife decided to leave and to take our son with her while I was at work. At this point I have not see my son in two years. In Oct on 2001 I went to Los Vegas for two weeks and then I moved to Texas, where I reside now.