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Within My Mind

You may wonder what I hide
Behind the doors within my mind
Fantasies you cannot see
for I deny their kind
Self absorbing moments
that I can't leave behind
Secrets sore and delicate,
and personally designed
Of things in which I wish
that you should never find
I implore that you ignore
those doors within my mind

By: Sandra Pamplin

Tapestry of Evil

Sinister craving pierce within
Wicked humans laugh no more
Tantalized too long from temptations
Ready knife thrust, to carve the soul
Mortal cry from fleshless bodies
Clawing their way to the ground above
The heavens weep for the children gone
Wings of heaven burst into flames
Saviours' love dies today
Choices fed the evil side
Shrieks of terror swallow the night
Demons dance to their Master's victory
Turning back is now forgotten
Welcome to the Kingdom of Hell

By: Cassandra Reiman