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Mandy's Links

Friend's Sites

Eyes of the World- an online friend's site
Punkinhaid- a classmate's webpage, she has a lot of neat stuff. Check it out!

Web Page Help

Mystiqal's Animated Icon Library- a great place to find lots of gifs
FG-A- another great site that has lots of gifs
Dynamic Drive- a site that has lots of scripts for your website

Free Stuff

Yahoo- free email, chat, games, and great search engine
Hotmail- free email
Angelfire- free email and free web building
Sugar Qube greetings- a great site with free email greetings

Shopping Sites

Delias- a great site for window shopping
Old Navy- one of my favorite stores to shop at
Target- my all time favorite store
Yankee Candle- a great place to get scented candles

Everyday Sites

All Recipes- a site with lots of recipes
Cute Baby Animals- a site with nothing but baby animal pictures
Emode- a site full quzzies to test your personalty
JoeCartoon- want to blend a frog? Come here!
Nutty Sites- come watch penguins and many other animals dance
00Fun- a great site to send fun pages to your friends
Web Tender- a great site that has lots of mix drinks
Weather Channel- get your local weather and weather worldwide here

TV Shows

Judging Amy
Crossing Jordan


Palo Alto College- a community college where I attend
UTSA- I will start this spring

Mandy's Kiosk

My San Antonio
Alamo City
The Botanical Gardens
San Antonio Zoo
San Antonio Missions(not the baseball team)
Sea World San Antonio
Six Flags Fiesta Texas

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