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Beyond the China Book

At the 2001 National Button Society Show in Denver china collectors from all over the country met to share information about their favorite china buttons. Many of these buttons were ones that were not included in the Guidelines to Collecting China Buttons, the definitive guide for china collectors. Many of these buttons were photographed at that meeting and appear here for your viewing.

Our very special thanks to all of you who brought your china buttons to the Denver meeting and allowed us to share them. Thank you, LeRoy Manley, for photographing the buttons at the Denver show and thanks to Karen Kline for editing them for use on the website.

Disclaimer...The China Exchange is collecting this information for study purposes only. We are not making any recommendations as to the suitability of these buttons for use in competitions at the state or national level.

The buttons shown below appear to be chinas that were not recorded in the Guidelines to Collecting China Buttons. A description of each button follows the scan.

Row One Above
37. Inserted Two-Way Self Shank, dark green with surface like pattern #14 but green stripes are visible through gold lustered surface 1/2" (Erma)
44. Smooth Top with oval eye, blue marbled body 9/16"
41. Whistle shape #1, cream body with floral wreath in green & blue 5/8" (Erma)

Row Two Above
35. Whistle shape #1, white body with blue edge and center circle with snowflake design 5/8" (Denver)
35. Whistle shape #9, cream body with red, green, blue random curved lines 5/8" (Erma)
6. Igloo, white with red top and black band near edge 13/16". A second example was noted. (Janet)

Row Three Above
3. Tiny-Mound, pearl luster body, in plain rim 1/2". A second example was noted. (Janet)
1. Fisheye, cream body, in fluted rim 21/32" (Janet)
2. Dish Type with knob center, white, in fancy rim 19/32" (Janet)

Row Four Above
4. Off Beat Types - Body Style 6, cream body with molded wood or fabric grain pattern 7/16". A second example was noted. (Janet)
7. Bias Saw-Tooth Rim, blue body with dotted edge and rim in white 7/16". A second example was noted. (Janet)
24. Drum shaped jewel, white body with brown calico pattern #64 9/16" (Jane)

Row Five Above
17. Inkwell, 2-hole, white 21/32" (Jody)

Row One Above
26. Gaiter, drum shaped white body with green calico pattern #148 15/32" (Denver)
27. Gaiter, drum shaped white body with brown calico pattern #247 15/32" (Denver)
No Number. Kareen's "hobnail" 4-hole, white body with 15 small bumps inside blue flower design 5/8"
5. Fisheye, white body with stencil-like design of 4 check marks 19/32"

Row Two Above
19. Two-hole, unlisted body type, blue with molded waffle-like pattern and slightly raised rim 5/8". A second example was noted. (Jerry)
28. Gaiter, unlisted shape, cream body with impressed rim and four-hole sew-thru-like design with calico pattern #307 11/16" (Denver)
29. Gaiter, unlisted shape, cream body with orange banded edge 21/32" (Denver)
32. Four-hole Gingham, white body, knob center with purple pattern 19/32". A second example in blue noted. (Diane)

Row Three Above
33. Smooth Top with oval eye, white body with pink pattern 21/32" (Diane)
21. Dish Type, white with small tic-tac-toe motif around edge 5/8" (Sara)
43. Pin-shank, black body 23/32"
36. Smooth Top with oval eye, white body with 2 thin rings of blue enclosing blue dots, unevenly applied 19/32" (Erma)

Row Four Above
38. Smooth Top with oval eye, cream body with stylized rose and leaves above and below oval eye. Other examples noted. 11/16" (Erma)

Possibly Unlisted Calico Patterns:
14. Dish Type, white with pink calico pattern, unlisted 5/8" (Jody)(probably unlisted pattern)
15. Dish Type, white with orange calico pattern, unlisted 11/16" (Jody)(may be a listed pattern)
16. Dish Type, white with green calico pattern unlisted 7/16" (Jody)(may be a listed pattern)
22. Dish Type, white with unlisted calico pattern of stars and dots 31/32" (Sara)(may be a listed pattern)
9. Dish Type, white with red unlisted diamond calico pattern 7/8" (Janet)(probably unlisted pattern)

Unlisted China Jewels:
8. China Jewel, white concave body with narrow brown ring around center, plain rim 1/2". (Janet)
42. China Jewel, white concave body with broad band around edge, plain rim 15/32" (Janet)
30. China jewel, white concave body with two narrow green rings, plain rim 15/32" (Denver)
31. China jewel, white concave body with purple band and circle in center, plain rim 15/32" (Denver)
40. China Jewel, green concave body, plain rim 7/16" (Janet)

Next group:
Group of buttons trimmed as described in Guidelines for Collecting China Buttons page 149:
"It is a formless design composed of irregular short lines that are never in the same place on any two buttons. The lines are frequently of mixed colors, metallic lusters among them."
45. Saucerlike Hollow Eye 23/32", Fisheye 9/16", Smooth Top with oval eye 15/32", Tiny Mound 17/32" (Janet)
10. Dish Type, white with yellow and gold pattern 1/2" (Jody)
11. Dish Type, white with red and gold pattern 1/2" (Jody)
12. Dish Type, white with purple and gold pattern 1/2" (Jody)
13. Dish Type, white with green and gold pattern 1/2" (Jody)

These buttons (above) are just a few examples from a whole card of unlisted stencils that Joy LeCount brought to the meeting in Denver.

Buttons on this page are from the collections of: Erma Juergensen, Denver Elliott, Janet White, Jane Leslie, Jody Behrbaum, Kareen Strumpel, Jerry Brandt, Diane Whisnant, Sara Buck, Joan MacFarlane, Susannah Jordan, and Joy LeCount.

We would love to know of other china buttons that are "beyond the china book".

For information or questions, please email:

